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- Documentation for XPRBPlus.library
- ==================================
- Version 1.1 - 8th June 1992
- ===========================
- by Terence (Terry) Finney [100021,2621]
- =======================================
- 1. Introduction
- ===============
- XPRBPlus.library is an Amiga shared library for use with Terminal
- programs which support the XPR standard, such as Term, VLT and
- Backtalk.
- Its purpose is to provide the improved facilities allowed by the
- Compuserve B Plus Protocol. This release implements the 'File
- Information' facility which enables file sizes and hence estimated
- download times to be displayed during downloads and 'Download
- Resume' which allows partial file transfers to be completed after
- an abort.
- 2. Disclaimer
- =============
- This is my first serious programming effort, so I stress that the
- usual disclaimers apply. I am not a programmer by profession. My
- intention in producing this library was to give myself a challenge
- and hopefully end up with something offering the enhancements of
- other XPR libraries such as XPRZmodem. If after attempting to
- download a 200k file at 300 Baud you find that an error has
- occurred rendering the file useless, please hold your breath, count
- to ten, read this section again and see the Section 12 at the end
- of this document for details of how to report bugs.
- 3. Credits
- ==========
- The protocol support code for this library was supplied by
- Compuserve in the bpcsrc.arc archive and is by various authors.
- This archive also contains essential information on implementing
- the protocol. Other information was obtained from 'The Compuserve B
- Plus Protocol' by Russ Ranshaw (available as bplus.arc) and
- 'B/Quick B Protocol Information' by Steve Sneed (available as
- proto.nfo).
- This exercise would have been impossible without reference to the
- source code for XPRZmodem.library originally written by Rick
- Huebner and revised by William M. Perkins, to XPRQuickb.library
- from The Software Distillery, and to the example XPRAscii.library
- by Willy Langeveld.
- Further credit is of course due to Willy Langeveld for creating the
- XPR specification in the first place.
- The library was written in Lattice (SAS) C.
- Thanks also to Steve Ahlstrom for his comments and example source
- code.
- Last but not least, special thanks are due to Vic Reeves, whose 'I
- Will Cure You' album was echoing around the room the first time a
- download was achieved successfully. Definitely the best debugging
- tool ever invented.
- 4. Installation
- ===============
- First, copy the XPRBPlus.library to LIBS: Then enter your XPR
- supporting terminal program and choose the option to select an XPR
- library. This usually takes place through a file requester. Direct
- this to LIBS: (if it isn't there already) and select the
- XPRBPlus.library. That should be it. If you have any problems,
- please read your comms program documentation on selecting an
- external protocol.
- 5. Options
- ==========
- Once the library is installed there are a number of configurable
- options. Select the comms program command for changing transfers
- options and a number of gadgets should appear showing the
- following:
- Text conversion (Default N)
- Overwrite Mode (Default N)
- Buffer size (Default 16)
- Auto initiate (Default Y)
- Delete after send (Default N)
- Keep partial files (Default Y)
- Attempt resume (Default Y)
- The actual format of the display will change from one comm program
- to another, with YES/NO, or ON/OFF being displayed.
- Text conversion
- ---------------
- If this is set to YES, and the file to be uploaded or downloaded is
- an ASCII file, the library will carry out end of line CR/LF
- conversion. If it is set to OFF, no conversion will be carried out.
- Please note that this option only works on ASCII files and will
- have no effect on binary files.
- Overwrite mode
- --------------
- This can be O, N, or S and only affects downloads where a file with
- the same name already exists. If set to O the original file will be
- overwritten. If set to N, the new file will be downloaded with the
- file name appended with .dup or .dupNN, where NN is a number up to
- 99. If 99 is reached, .dup99 will be overwritten. If set to S, the
- transfer will be aborted.
- Buffer size
- -----------
- This sets the buffer size for disk read/writes and is in multiples
- of 1K. If set to zero, no buffering is used.
- Auto initiate
- -------------
- This setting affects whether transfers can be initiated by the
- Compuserve Host alone or whether they need to be initiated by the
- user through the XProtocolSend and XProtocolReceive functions. If
- set to OFF, the comms program "Receive" and "Send" commands must be
- used.
- Delete after sending
- --------------------
- If enabled, after a successful upload the local copy of the file
- will be deleted. If disabled, the file will be retained.
- Keep partial files
- ------------------
- If a partial file is transmitted and this option is enabled, the
- file will be retained. It will then be possible to attempt to
- resume the transfer later. If is is disabled the partial file will
- be deleted. The 'Attempt resume' option also forces partial files
- to be retained if it is enabled.
- Attempt Resume
- --------------
- If this is enabled and a download is attempted where a file of the
- same name already exists, the library will first try to resume
- downloading the remainder of the file. The library will build a
- check value for the local file and will send this to the Host
- computer along with details of the local file's size. The Host then
- compares this check value to its version of the file based on the
- length reported by the library. If the check value matches the Host
- assumes that the local file is part of the file to be downloaded
- and will then download the remainder which the library will append
- to the local file. If the check value does not match the Host will
- download the entire file based on the setting of the Overwrite mode
- above. Enabling this option also temporarily disables the deletion
- of partial files. If a download is resumed the file transfer
- display will show data transfer rates and expected download times
- for the remainder of the file only, to avoid giving unrealistic
- estimates. When checking partial ASCII files, the library tries to
- make allowances for CR/LF conversions but it is possible to confuse
- this if the 'Text conversion' option is changed before the resume
- is attempted.
- Important
- ---------
- The "Delete after sending" and "Keep partial files" options require
- that the comms program implements the xpr_unlink function. Without
- this the library cannot delete files.
- 6. Serial Port Settings
- =======================
- I know a lot of grief has been caused by the fact that the
- Compuserve documentation states that serial settings of 7 Bits,
- Even Parity should be used except for the Apple Mac. When I tried
- this originally everything appeared to work OK until I attempted to
- transfer files. All the transfers failed, no matter what program I
- was using. Only when 8 Bits, No Parity was set did the transfers
- work. With most comms programs this means that the "Strip 8th bit"
- option has to be set in order to prevent garbage appearing on the
- screen. I am sorry to say that with this library it's still the
- case that 8N should be set. Although the library does attempt to
- set the serial device properly during transfers itself, either my
- code does not work or the comms programs I have tested it with do
- not support the function properly. If you have problems, please
- make sure that the settings are 8 Bits, No Parity. If you do get
- the library to work with 7 Bits, Even Parity, please let me know
- which program you are using!
- Version 1.1. Note: I have changed the serial setting code again,
- still to no avail. Is it actually impossible to change the settings
- "on the fly"?
- 7. Receiving Files
- ==================
- Since all file transfers are initiated by the Host (ie. Compuserve)
- the appropriate command e.g. DOW or DOWNLOAD will need to be sent.
- This can be done at the appropriate Compuserve menu prompt. After
- the file name has been entered the Host should then initiate the
- transfer and the file transfer window will appear. The library
- recognises abort requests if your comms program supports them. As a
- short cut the library can send the download command itself if the
- comms program uses the XProtocolReceive function. This is usually
- called by selecting the "Receive" menu option of the comms program.
- This will cause the comms program to ask for a filename and once
- this has been entered the library to send the string "dow/proto:b+"
- followed by the filename to the Host. If 'Auto initiate is set to
- off this is the only way to initiate a download. Provided it is
- appropriate to the context the download should now be activated.
- 8. Sending Files
- ================
- This is very similar to receiving files, except that the Compuserve
- menu command is different! You should use UPLOAD or UPL, or
- activate the XProtocolSend function (usually through a menu "Send"
- command) if your comms program supports it which will cause a
- filename requester to appear before sending the command sequence.
- Once the Host has initiated the transfer the file transfer window
- will again appear.
- 9. Performance
- ==============
- The library runs roughly 3% slower than xprquickb. At present I am
- afraid that is the price of the file size display. The bulk of this
- difference is during the first 10 to 15 seconds of the transfer and
- I will be looking into it to see if improvements can be made.
- 10. Revision History
- ====================
- Version 1.0.
- Initial release implementing the 'File Information' Facility.
- Version 1.1.
- Download Resume implemented.
- Incorrect freeing of memory bug (spotted by Mungwall) cured.
- Use of an invalid file pointer (if a second download was attempted)
- cured. Also shown up by Mungwall.
- 11. The Future
- ==============
- In the original release I wrote that I would first try to improve
- the performance of the library. Due to initial comments I received
- I decided instead to concentrate on implementing 'Download Resume'.
- I have pared down the source code as well in some places, but
- although this has reduced the size of the library (allowing for the
- addition of Download Resume) it has not noticeably improved
- performance. I will keep trying!
- I will also continue to check if the problems detailed in Section
- 12 can be ironed out. I will add options to allow the user to
- control aspects of the transfer such as the number of Send Ahead
- buffers and the Quoting Level. I will also look further into the
- serial setting functions.
- 12. Bugs
- ========
- The library has been tested with Term 2.1 by Olaf Barthel, VLT
- version 5.517 by Willy Langeveld and Backtalk by 1.51 by Steve
- Ahlstrom and Don Curtis. The only problems I have experienced so
- far are that the command sent by XProtocolReceive is not always
- successful and aborts during file transfers are not always
- acknowledged. I will be looking further at these as well.
- I have not had chance to test the XProtocolSend function to any
- extent. I would be interested to hear how successful it is.
- In case of bugs, please read Section 2 again and then report them
- to me on:
- Compuserve ID 100021,2621
- CIX (UK) ID tfinney
- If you have any comments, please let me know.
- 13. And Finally.....
- ====================
- ....I hope you find the library useful!